
“Music and architecture make us think of anything other than themselves; They are in our world the monuments of another reality.”
Paul Valéry, Eupalino

That music is a kind of invisible architecture and that “crystallized music” architecture, as Schelling said, has always been an instinctive awareness in me. It doesn’t matter if the architecture is that of a city or a corkscrew, and the music that of a symphony or a jingle.
To tell the truth, I follow the idea (or utopia) of a cosmic order, which is the very essence of architecture, in all the authentic expressions of human creativity.
I designed countless kinds of interior and exterior furnishings and accessories, but I am still convinced that, of all the objects that accompany the environment in which we live, the lamp is the most fascinating.
Beyond the fundamental meaning from a purely functional point of view, I believe that the lamp has a mythopoetic added value. As the bearer of light and therefore of knowledge, the lamp is a luminous object even when it is turned off.